The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Essay Questions

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10 Open questions for The Boy in the Striped Pajamas(Revised Questions) Give an example of when one character were ignorant towards what they were doing. When Bruno hollarded “Heil Hitler” he thought it was a saying for goodbye. This further employs Bruno’s lack of knowledge of the weight behind “Heil Hitler” when Maria’s expression shows her to be upset as the man Bruno is yelling in tribute to Hitler is the same person who wants to eradicate her ethnic group. Describe the present themes in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas The first noted themes in the novel are the power of friendship in the most unlikely places, how the innocence of a child can bring awareness to unnoticed issues and the problems of human nature. Give an example of how preconceived notions can be harmful to a person in the story. In the story, Bruno's father has been taught and believes that Jewish people are less than human which leaves him to have a disliking towards Maria the Housekeeper when they move out of Berlin. Although Maria is often treated or seen a lower member of the family, Maria often acts as better role model or parent figure towards Bruno when she tells him that she knows about Pavel and how he was a doctor "in another life." Here Maria demonstrates her fear towards Bruno’s father and the repercussions if she spoke out against the family because of the …show more content…

What makes the story differentiate from the rest is the story’s ability to have a gripping relationship between the son of a Nazi Commander, Bruno, and the Jewish prisoner, Shmul. The relationship shared between the two characters highlights the fact that everyone is the same one way or another but often are treated disportionately due to external forces or