The Brain's Memory Research Paper

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The Brain’s Memory The brain is the most complex and interesting part of the whole human body. The way it works and processes things is fascinating. Scientist can’t even began to understand the mysteries that lie in the soft nervous tissues inside your skull. The memory is the most convoluted part, it is able to hold parts of our and store it there for a few minutes or forever. All that tissue inside your head holds your life, and all your memories.The possibilities and the potential of what our brain can do is phenomenal. In this paper I am going to talk about some of the main parts of the brain where all your memories are stored. Sensory Memory Sensory memory holds the least amount of information, it can only hold things for a few seconds. …show more content…

The storage in your short term memory is exceedingly limited. It can only hold about several things at a time such as a phone number or an address. You keep on repeating the phone number to yourself until you dial it, when you stop you will only be able to recall a few of those digits because you didn’t recite it enough to make it stored in your long term memory (How Stuff Works).
Long Term Memory Long term memory can last a lifetime even when we stop thinking about it. When we recall a memory it re-fires the neural paths we used when we were there, recreating the experience in your brain making it feel like you were actually in that moment. When we smell, hear, or see something familiar it opens a chamber in our cortex connecting them to even more memories causing a flashback. There are so many parts of our brain that we haven’t even accessed yet because nothing has triggered the chamber letting us access it. “Pointers connect with other pointers so one hint could allow you to access a whole new part of your imagination.” Bruno Dubuc …show more content…

If you think of the word banana you access your hippocampus in the long term memory which helps you connect links to know what a banana is. For example, yellow, the color of the banana gets stored in the cortex in the visual area. The sound of it gets stored in the auditory area. Thinking about the banana can connect to other memories you have with that subject. The more something goes into your short term memory connecting it to your long term memory the stronger the links are creating a memory that can easily be accessed. Whenever you do something like play a sport, or ride a skateboard, it uses many different parts of the brain to tell your body what to do and how to function

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