
The Brief Wondrous Life Of Oscar Wao Summary

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The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao writer by Junot Diaz. This book was published in 2007, a winner of the Pulitzer Prize and recognized for one of the best books of 2007. The story is about Oscar Wao personal life, including his sister Lola, mother Hypatia Belicia Cabral, Yunior de Las Casas and Abelard. A story about Oscar a Dominican boy growing up the New Jersey. The novel explains the hardship Oscar Wao experience growing up, as an overweight Dominican boy raised in a Dominican family. Oscar was not an average or good-looking kid, he was a ghetto nerd. Oscar mother Hypatia is a single mother who raised him and his sister, who works two jobs. Hypatia is a very blunt woman and showed …show more content…

He had a broken heart and of course his mother did not comfort him. “When Oscar whimpered, Girls, Moms de Leon nearly exploded. Tu ta llorando por una muchacha? She hauled Oscar to his feet by his ear. Mami, stop it, his sister cried, stop it! She threw him to the floor. Dale un galletazo, she panted, then see if the little puta respect you.” (page 14) His mother clearly informed him “You are crying for a girl?”, a will spoke woman who showed no remorse. Hypatia made it clear that she did not want him weak and emotionally distress over a …show more content…

They had lots of conflicts and did not get along. Lola was aware that her mother was diagnoses with breast cancer, Lola than became rebellious. She did everything against her mom’s well, Hypatia did not like these new changes. Lola even shaves her head and her mother threw a fit. “The next day my mother threw the wig at me. You’re going to wear this. You’re going to wear it every day. And if I see you without it on I’m going to kill you!” (page 59). It clearly states that Lola did not care, she even burned the wig. Lola was not scared anymore, “That was when she slapped at me, when I struck her hand and she snatched it back, like I was on fire.” (page 59) Lola was defending herself and new her mother illness was making her

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