The Case Of Monica Lewinsky Scandal

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Taylor Giunta
Assignment 1: Scandal

As humans people are naturally attracted to each other. It may be about looks, personality or power. A person may fall for a friend, co-worker or even a stranger. But in the case of Monica Lewinsky she fell for her boss Bill Clinton and Clinton wasn't just any normal boss for any old company, he was the most powerful man in the country. He was the president of the United States.
The Lewinsky scandal was an political sex scandal in 1998. It was a sexual affair between 49-year old President Bill Clinton who was married to Hilary Clinton and 25-year old White House employee Monica Lewinsky. During a speech on television, Clinton ended with the famous well known statement "I did not …show more content…

Now Starr can reveal what was happening. The semen on the Blue dress that belonged to Lewinsky was proved to be president Clinton's after DNA testing was done. There was also other evidence such as the many gifts Clinton gave to Lewinsky. Even though he tried to deny the sexual relation's he had with Monica twice. In a trial First he stated "I have never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky" than he said " "I thought the definition included any activity by [me], where [I] was the actor and came in contact with those parts of the bodies". Clinton denied that he ever contacted Lewinsky's Genitalia. Clinton even said that the affair ended in 1997 and that Lewinsky still kept sending gifts and letters to the oval office. During the grand jury testimony Clinton's responses were carefully worded, and he argued, "It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' in regards to the truthfulness of his statement that "there is not a sexual relationship, an improper sexual relationship or any other kind of improper relationship."Two months after the court failed to convict him, President Clinton was held in contempt of court. His license to practice law was suspended in Arkansas for five years. He was also fined $90,000 for his obviously untrue testimony. After all that happened Hilary still stayed by Bill Clintons …show more content…

It was even referred as "Sexgate" or "Monicagate" based off the water gate scandal in the 1970's. Monica Lewinsky changed the media because it was the first time a story had so much coverage. There was over a year of coverage on the case. Something new on the scandal came out almost everyday, it was on news stations, news papers, magazines, websites. It was everywhere. Monica Lewinsky was depicted as vacuous. She was seen as a homewrecker even though Clinton in a way had taken advantage of her. Her life was basically ruined after the affair came to light. She even said in a time magazine interview in 1999 that she had regrets, "I really feel the worst about what this has done to my family and friends. And then I think second to that would be Chelsea and Mrs. Clinton, and I do feel bad about my part in how the country has had to deal with this. I made a lot of mistakes. I mean, that's probably a bipartisan issue. Everybody in the world would agree on that." While Bill Clinton was seen as imperious. He was seen as someone who made the wrong choice and needed a savior. Hilary Clinton was seen as a hero. Although she did claim Monica Lewinsky to be a "Narcissistic Looney Tune", She stayed with Bill Clinton and was seen as a saint and a hero for it. The affair was such a big story it is still mentioned and referenced by the media today especially since Hilary is running for president this