Jerry Sandusky And The Penn State Scandal

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The Penn State scandal involved more than just the individual committing the crimes. Many of the university’s officials were at fault for not reporting the alleged crimes to the Board of Trustees or Pennsylvania police. This type of behavior shows how the culture was a clan style and more of a family characteristics of protecting their own (Brumfield, 2012). Jerry Sandusky, a former assistant football coach, was with the university for almost forty years and was admired as an upstanding citizen. He was the organizer of a charity call The Second Mile, which assisted disadvantage youth. Sandusky was convicted on forty-five counts of child molestation from the period of 1994 to 2009. Sandusky was sentenced to serve a minimum of 30 years to a maximum of 60 years in prison. …show more content…

The Freeh report showed several officials of the university knew about the allegations of Sandusky’s behavior as early as 1998. The report indicated president Spanier, vice president Schultz, athletic director Curley and head football coach Paterno knew of Sandusky’s actions and failed to report them to the proper authorities. Even though Paterno reported the allegations to the president, Paterno failed to move past the president and report to the Pennsylvania police or the Board of Trustees. Freeh declared most senior leaders at Penn State showed a disregard for the welfare of Sandusky’s child victims for at least 14 years empowered Jerry Sandusky to continue his sexual child abuse (Gessler,