
The Cask Of Amontillado Essay

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In the fourth poem, Eldorado (which is not about eldorado) time is working against the Knight. In the first three stanzas they bring to light, how he is already old by saying he "journeyed long" and then blatantly states that he grew old and ending it on how his strength had failed him. The Shadows that follow him are also an indicator of time catching up to him. The second and third shadow are the most important, the second shadow is one that shows his frustration and or depression with his life or journey. The third shadow, arguably the most important. He talks to a ghost who gives him advice, danger,sadness and death are what the three shadows could stand for. Eldorado is a mythical place that is entangled with the idea of gold, paradise and happiness but is forever lost to the world. Only near the end you see Eldorado as anything but a real place that once can visit. The knight sees it as a dream or mission to find it before his life comes to an end. The shade tells the knight that if he seeks for Eldorado, he must "ride, boldly ride" over the mountains of the …show more content…

There are four main themes that I have came across researching this. Perseverance, the Knight will likely die searching for Eldorado which he thinks is a paradise and then the third shadow tells him to “ride, boldly ride which indicates his death is coming swiftly and that only in death will he find his paradise. Death, the Knight’s life is a living-death because even on his last leg all he can think about is Eldorado. He has wasted his life searching for something that doesn’t exist, he hasn’t really lived because of his obsession. Isolation is the third theme, of being alone on his whole journey and only coming across the pilgrim shadow which then he could only be talking to himself. He will more than likely die alone due to this “journey” he is on, the obsession is all the knows and the only thing that ever sticks with

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