The Cask Of Amontillado Symbolism Essay

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Edgar Allen Poe is a well known author of multiple literary works that skillfully show his ability to use literary elements to his advantage. Poe’s works include The Raven, The Black Cat, and The Cask of Amontillado. When readers examine his work they may notice how Poe uses dark elements to portray foreshadowing and symbolism. For Example, The Cask of Amontillado uses multiple objects that symbolize what is to come in the near future. The Cask of Amontillado sets the reader in the near Victorian Era during the festive time of carnival, where they are introduced to the main characters: Montressor and his “friend” Fortunado. As the reader carries on, they come to notice how Montressor had concocted an elaborate plan to somehow rid his self of Fortunado using his weakness, and along the way Poe includes …show more content…

Poe, or Montressor as he is the narrator of the story, describes Fortunado’s attire as “a tight-fitting parti-striped dress… [with] a conical cap and bells” (Poe, pg 1) which mimics a jester’s outfit. Jesters are commonly known as jokesters, moronic, or foolish, which fits the personality of Fortunado. Fortunado is also described to approach Montressor “…with excessive warmth, for he had been drinking much” (Poe, pg 1). Such actions offer the idea that Fortunado is easily influenced or manipulated, unreliable, and untrustworthy. Montressor introduces the reader by describing how he will be avenged on past actions instigated by Fortunado and his lack of respect. In saying such, it helps the reader put together the fact that Fortunado is a foolish, irresponsible man who has done Montressor wrong in someway that is never specified. To sum up the previous examinations of Poe’s story; Fortunado’s jester outfit is a symbol for how he acts and how he takes responsibility for his actions, and his heavy intoxication provides the risk of him being even more