
The Catechisim Morality By Michel Pennock

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What makes a moral person?

How can a person be moral and what makes a moral person? As Christians we have many utility's to teach us how to be moral people. Living morally and with moral nature is a part of our Cristian identity. When we follow the examples given to us in the Bible and through other means of teaching we define our Christion identity by living morally. However, to answer what makes a moral person, an understanding of morality and what it is must be known.

Morality and living a moral life are important in all cultures and to have a stable society. Morality are principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong, or good and evil. Additionally, morality is responsible living guided by true human behavior in conformity …show more content…

God gave us free will, the power to choose the good over the evil. We also have freedom, or the power rooted in the reason and will to act or not to act, to do this or that, and so to perform deliberate actions on ones own. "We live morally when we are the human God calls us to be." (Understanding The Catechisim Morality by Michel Pennock, pages 16 and 17) When we choose God by acting as he commands and loving Him and our neighbor we are a moral person. God calls us to be friends with each other and to be friends with him. When we make a conscience moral decision, using our free will given to us by God, to reason and choose good over evil we are being moral people. God calls us o be moral, to use the freedom he gave us responsible and justly. God wills us to be happy, "the Beatitudes of Jesus teach us the attitudes of being and ways of acting that will help us achieve happiness God placed in or hearts." (Understanding The Catechism Morality by Michel Pennock, page 17) When we show our love for God and Jesus through our actions we are moral people. Performing moral acts makes a moral person. When what you do, why you do it, and all circumstances are good, an act is moral. Listening to conscience or the voice of God within ones self, makes a moral

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