
The Cause Of Hitler Becoming Fuhrer In 1934

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A long-term/social factor that was a cause of Hitler becoming Furher in 1934 was the June 1919 Treaty of Versailles as German citizens despised every aspect of the articles. According to the peace treaty, Germany was required to be held accountable and full responsibility of World War I in Article 231. Not only were they expected to be at fault, they were also required to repay the $63 billion, reduced in 1921 to $33 billion, reparations for damaged done during the war. Germany were also limited to 100,000 men in an army and the amount of military defenses. These terms enraged Germany as they believed they were not at fault, which was enough to object the signing, despite not bringing any physical harm. The impact of the Treaty of Versailles …show more content…

This lead the middle working class to become the ideal crowd for Hitler and the Nazi Party to rally with, resulting in to Hitler becoming Fuhrer in 1934. Germany’s economic downfall began with the 1921 Treaty of Versailles as it required Germany to pay $63 billion, later reduced to $33 billion, in reparations. The government soon began to decide on printing new money in hopes to be able to repay its debts, and made its first payment of $500 million gold marks in the year 1921. Despite having positive short term effects to the German economy, years later, large sums of notes were required to buy a load of bread due to the fact that the German gold mark was worth very little at this time. By the end of 1923, citizens whom saved hundred thousand marks previously, were not able to pay a loaf of bread at this time, making life savings of the middle working class, redundant. In less than an hour, when hyperinflation was at its peak, the value of currency was decreasing, requiring more notes used to pay. In November 1923, the government temporarily solved Germany’s hyperinflation by introducing a new currency called Rentenmarks, which were essentially the old currency without extra zeros. In spite of this, Germany was still required to repay the reparations, continuing the uproar from the German citizens. The hyperinflation of 1921 …show more content…

The Night of the Long Knives was the withdrawl of the Storm Troopers’ (SA) leaders as well as other political opponents Hitler felt threatened of. He had ordered his own political party to follow through a purge of the SA leaders, Ernest Rohm in particular. This is due to the fact that he indirectly made opposition between Himmler, Goering and Gobbels within the Nazi Party through his authority gained. Despite Rohm being a devoted believer in Hitler ever since the earlier days of the Nazi ideoligies and having no present verification of him devising against him, he was especially targetted. Hitler was convinced Rohm was a threat to him by summer 1934, as he publically expressed his thoughts on merging the regular army with his, the SA. With this, Hitler sealed a deal with the SA which was: if Rohm as well as other SA leaders were evicted, the rank and file would be under the army’s control, however, they would swear oath of allegiance to Hitler. On 29th - 30th of June, The Night of the Long Knives, the Schutzstaffel arrested the SA leaders as well as political leaders that were of threat to Hitler’s position. In the same weekend the purge held by the Nazi party executed atleast 80 for political reasons, Rohm was shot, and many other victims were bulgeoned to death.

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