Essay Comparing Imperialism And Ww2

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Almost everyone will agree without fear of contradiction that “Militarism, Alliances, Nationalism, and Imperialism are contributing factors” of both World War I and World War II, yet, others would argue that World War I, was spurned by militarism, imperialism, and nationalism which was a “struggle for existence,” while World War II was a fight for power and “the survival of the fittest,” and thus one war has nothing to do with the other. But on the contrary, historians have studied the triggering factors of both World War I and World War II, have come to the consensus that the Treaty of Versailles, the unfair treatment of the Germans after World War I to pay repatriation, as well as the loss of the war have left a bitter taste of humiliation and anger in the Germans mouth. Therefore, World War II is a continuance of World War I. …show more content…

But, some people may beg to differ, for after Germany surrendered, World War I ended and the allied nations came together issuing a mandate (Treaty of Versailles) demanding that “Germany pay other European nations reparations to cover their monetary losses in fighting the war.” This sent Germany’s economy in a downward spiral, triggering hyperinflation, causing prices of basic goods to increase. and creating political upheaval throughout the country. Some people may ask, “What does this have to do the continuance of one war to the other?” Subsequently, the humiliation of the loss of the war and the terms of the Treaty of Versailles spurned Hitler into action, giving rise to Hitler’s Nationalist Nazi

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