The Character Of Equality 7-2521 In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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Equality 7-2521’s perspective on society shifts due to his realizations. In the novel “Anthem,” all of the members of a collective society conform to a set of regulations where everyone is equal and together at all times. However, Equality 7-2521 decides to commit the most significant sin by working alone and having his own thoughts, which he never regrets. Equality 7-2521’s eventual assessment of his sin is correct because he often feels safer on his own, and isolation causes him to make incredible discoveries. While working and thriving by himself, Equality 7-2521 feels the most content compared to being surrounded by his brother men. According to the text, “But here, in our tunnel, we feel [fear] no longer. The air is pure under the ground. …show more content…

The novel describes how Equality 7-2521 created a light source using a box and wires and “the wire glowed! It came to life, it turned red, and a circle of light lay on the stone” (Rand 58). The decision to distribute Equality 7-2521 into the Home of the Street Sweepers indicates how the main character’s brilliant mind would have been smothered by the Council. Equality 7-2521’s newfound breakthrough illustrates how the disgusting sin of working alone is idiotic because the law prohibits discoveries that can assist to better the society and its members. In addition to electricity being invented, Equality 7-2521 exposes his individuality. According to the author, “This, my body and spirit, this is the end of the quest. I wished to know the meaning of things. I am the meaning” (Rand 94). Equality 7-2521 expresses how he unearthed the greatest discovery without the aid of his brother men, whom would have hindered the main character’s independent labors. The tasks that are completed by the brothers and Equality 7-2521 are not tailored to their separate talents, which exhibits how the society dulls the minds of their citizens to restrict individualism. Furthermore, working solemnly has benefited Equality 7-2521 because he feels secure in his tunnel and the entire Uncharted Forest and explores the concepts of his light and his