The Children In Room E4 By Susan Eaton

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Have you ever look around your community and realize that segregation between different racial, economic, and educational groups still exists, but people tend to not make it as obvious as it was before? Like we all know segregation is defined as being the action of setting someone apart from other people. Still, for various people, it is not a big deal, until it becomes a serious problem in school and is not only affecting them personally but now is affecting their children. In the book titled “The Children in Room E4” by Susan Eaton, is telling a story of a little boy whose name is Jeremy. Jeremy seems to be a very polite child, but he is poor and is being a victim of segregation in a school. In this book, Eaton is claiming an existing separation …show more content…

Where children are being denied the opportunity of having an equal education. “Families claimed that extreme racial and class segregation in schools enabled and sustained by state-enforced school district boundary lines denied them the equal educational opportunity guaranteed by Connecticut’s constitutions” (Eaton, 2007; 35-36). However, why are districts doing this to children? Especially when they tend to have good academic achievements.
As Jeremy, I am not a rich person. I came to the united states when I was four-years-old, but for personal reasons, my parents had to take me back to Mexico when I had just turned eleven-years-old. I had to make my fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and half of the tenth grade of the school over in Mexico. Then by the second semester of tenth grade, I decided to come back and finish High School here in the …show more content…

A trend is developing in Connecticut’s public schools that is causing, according to the dictionary definition of segregation, the isolation of the races with dived educational facilities” (Eaton, 2007; 96). However, “state legislature often moved slowly didn’t comply” (Eaton, 2007; 89). In other words, the state and federal governments had better policies and programs that “encourage the cooperation, the integration, if you will, of municipalities to the larger metropolitan region” (Eaton, 2007; 353). Which is explaining how government tends to do nothing to end with this segregation ideas. For example, the idea of president Trump to deport all immigrants and bring America back to what it was before all these people came to take away jobs and opportunities from his people. Instead of doing something to end with segregation he is basically encouraging people not only to segregate between racial groups but discriminating them as well. Making them feel like they are not worth as a person and they do not deserve the same rights that citizens