The Complexity Of Human Relationships In Homer's Odyssey

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The complexity of human relationships results in just as elaborate challenges that strengthen the shared bond, or destroy it forever.

The natural path of human relationships involves some form of trial or hardship that must be overcome, but in the end will result in a stronger whole. Difficulties are a part of life that no person can avoid, and relationships are no different. Life is often a struggle, however, how individuals handle their misfortune shapes the person they are to become. Human relationships are often built on trust and responsibility. It is simply an inevitability that relationships will struggle at times and thrive at other; how those difficult times are handled determines how well the relationship can survive. No greater …show more content…

Odysseus going off to war and not returning for twenty years, left his wife and son unaware of his mortality. Though man after man pressured Penelope to abandon her, by all probabilities, lost husband, she did not. Neither Penelope nor Telemachus ever lost faith in Odysseus’ return. When he did, the men who promised his death were slain at the hands of Odysseus and his son. The bond he shared with his wife and son grew far greater than before. Unfortunately, his mother lost heart and perished without seeing his return. The return of Odysseus expanded the relationships that had stayed with him, but those that didn’t all perished. The ultimate test of trust shown through who had trust. However, even when the acts of hardship are not as honorable as those of Odysseus, the impact can be just as strong. Bonnie and Clyde proved to be one of the most despicable couples of all time. Yet, the link they shared was stronger than most could ever claim. Obstacle after obstacle, one never left the other, never abandoned or betrayed. Even in death, gunned down by police, they never faltered, and left the world as on. The struggles one faces in life can …show more content…

The break up of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie rocked the entertainment news to its core. All because it was so inconceivable that anything like that could have happened. Conflict is an inevitability that spares none. Humanity denies its flaws and appears surprised when they take shape. Any and all people must deal with the realities that life is always a journey that tries to kill you every other turn. Even from the dawn of man, with the most basic levels of communication, human relationships have been pivotal to existence, and yet humanity still struggles so. Even Adam and Eve were spared no solace from desire. The first human relationship ever, struggled just the same, ended by and apple, by greed and by curiosity. The true inevitability of struggle that relationships bring is due simply to the nature of humans to be entertained. An animalistic lacking in control of emotions, unable to be satisfied. Mimicked so eloquently by the boys of Lord of the flies by William Golding. Reduced to an carnal state of raw emotion, the boys attack each other and break down all civilized thought. Humans are complex, interaction is a difficult task. The difficulties of human relations stems only from the nature of humans