The Consequences Of Decisions In Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare

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When a person makes a choice they don't realize that they are actually making multiple. The most famous tragic love story written by William Shakespeare is ‘Romeo and Juliet’. Romeo and Juleit is the perfect example of how little decisions have big consequences. Like the decision Romeo made to go to the capulet’s party which leads to the whole story. As well as the decision that Friar Lawrence made to marry the lovers knowing the possible future. Yet Friar Lawrence wasn't the only one who made a choice knowing the possible future. When the Prince does not follow through with his words it leads to multiple deaths that could have been avoided. When these choices are made by people they must face the future that has been made for them like for Juliet and her Romeo When Romeo gets convinced to go to the Capulet party, he also makes many more decisions he doesn't know that will reflect on his future. For example Benvoillio says this to Romeo "By giving liberty unto …show more content…

This quote is saying that if someone disturbs the peace of Verona's street they will be killed. When Romeo decides to avenge his slain friend Benvoiolo and to fight Tybalt in the streets of Verona. In the fight Romeo accidentally stabs Tybalt, killing him; but instead of following through with his words the Prince decides to banish Romeo rather than kill him. This choice was made by the Prince… He has the huge consequence of not only Romero deaths but Juliets in killing herself. Lady Montague also killed herself in grief for Romeo's banishment, and Paris who was also killed by Romero and who was also related to the Prince. The choice of not killing Romeo for disturbing the peace of Verona’s could have prevented 3 other