The Conservative Party In The Film Avatar

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The Conservative Party
With the beliefs of lower taxes and pushing for a wealth, creating new jobs and business the conservative party has more of an individualist ideology. When it comes to how this party would deal with the problems and goals that were shown in the film Avatar, it can be said that this party would be falling into similar path with little changes. The major change would come to how to deal with the environmental challenges that were shown. Conservative party wouldn’t want hurt the planet of Pandora. From having the views of decreasing carbon emission but as well as having a business goal they would most likely do things that would help them gain profit and make sure their actions wouldn’t hurt the state of Pandora. However …show more content…

The NDP believes in taking action with clean and renewable energy for they believe that putting something in place is an important key for Canada’s economy. If this party was in power on the planet of Pandora, they would be very careful to make sure that little harm was done to the planet, they wouldn’t want to cause any harm to the Na’vi as well. They would believe in the mining for unobtanium but would have regulations regarding the mining and the Na’vi. When you look at the different people this would affect you can say the the biggest winners would be the scientists. This party would help them with funding and research. The businesses would get the least out of Pandora, there would be lot’s of laws around the mining that they wouldn’t be able to get a full lot out of it, mainly the major businesses. They wouldn’t be at total lost for they still would be able to mine it, but just not that the speed or amount that they would like. The Na’vi and animals would be thrown into the middle, with the NDP in power they would make it so that nothing would happen to them but they would still likely lose some things with having this party in charge. If this party got the military involved it would only be for safety and helping out the …show more content…

This party wants to grow and create new jobs for Canada but in doing so keeping the environment healthy. They would only do things if they know it won’t hurt the people or the environment, but at the same time they are doing things that will help create new jobs and strengthen the current jobs. If this party was power on the planet of Pandora in Avatar it would be easy to say they wouldn’t do anything without the Na’vi giving the okay first. As well has making sure that the Na’vi are okay before the mining they would also make sure that it was safe for the people and the environment. With that being said, it’s easy to say that the Na’vi and the animals would be at the biggest win here, they would be able to have their words being heard and they would know that nothing they aren’t okay with wouldn’t happen. The people at total lost would be the business, they would be able to get what they want but once again most likely not in the amounts they would want but still would be able to get that they needed. The scientist would be thrown into the middle, they would get funding and their research but they would still have regulations regarding what they can or can’t do. The military would only be there for humanitarian reasons and nothing