The Core Purpose Of Vatican II

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The core purpose of Vatican II was to adapt Roman Catholicism to the modern world.

Pope John XXIII’s identified that the main two intentions for Vatican II was: adapting the church to a world undergoing dramantic transformation returing unity amoung all Christians
Pope John XXIII

Pope John was troubled by the state of the world in the late 1950's and wanted to clarify the Church's role in it.
The Pope saw that a lot of the world was in poverty post-war.
After WW1 and WW2, especailly the Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, the world was afraid, lost trust and disconnected with faith.
The Pope knew that the hopes and dreams of everyone around the world were for peace and justice.
Chriatian communites disconnected with their faith just like in the communities where St. Paul wrote to …show more content…

Vatican II was to be more open to the press as this was the age where communication became more vast
Vatican II was to be more open to each followers personal opinions, while keeping the Catholic traditions and customs

Pope John was troubled by the state of the world in the late 1950's and wanted to clarify the Church's role in it.
Vatican I had a more assertive approach which Vatican II supporters disagreeded with
Vatican I mainly dealt with: pantheism, naturalism, rationalism, socialism, communism, spiritism, religious indifference
Vatican I’s taught in regards to the Scriptures
Vatican I promoted Christian life through retreats, spiritual exercises, and sodalities.
During the 19th and 20th century, many secular and theological thoughts came about that were unclear and sometimes unrelated

Pope John was troubled by the state of the world in the late 1950's and wanted to clarify the Church's role in it.
The Pope saw that a lot of the world was in poverty

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