The Core Religious Texts Of Judaism And Today

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The core religious texts of Judaism have shaped the religion into what we know it today. Nothing in our modern world could survive or even be created without a foundation. Without a foundation, the walls of a house would crumble; without walls, all the walls would collapse; and without a roof, the interior would be destroyed. But without a foundation holding everything together and in place, everything about the house would crumble. Some might argue that the religious texts are the foundation of Judaism.The religious texts of today are known as the "Torah," "Oral Torah," "Tanakh," and "Talmud." These religious texts shape the religion and provide teachings and guidance to Jews on how to live their lives.

The Torah is where Jews get authority and authenticity. In Hebrew, Torah means "teaching, direction, guidance, and law." The Torah is the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, also known as Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. The first five books contain the creation of the world, the growth of the Jewish people, and the growth of Judaism. The written Torah is included in all Jewish synagogues on handwritten parchment …show more content…

In the founding days of Judaism, the Talmud was seen as "a guide for daily life" for Jews. (Portfolio of World Religions)The Talmud contains the Mishnah, which is the earliest recorded Jewish oral law. The Talmud is seen to reflect the ten commandments given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai. The Talmud is also seen as a religious text associated with guidance in daily Jewish life, along with many other Jewish texts. It gives instructions on how food should be prepared and the rules for foods; it also gives instructions on how to handle legal situations. The Talmud can also provide many Jewish laws and ancient teachings dating back to Moses' time.Today, it is presented and read in a way that is more applicable to modern life than to life in the