The Courage Of Courage In The Wizard Of Oz

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Going through life requires courage. It is within everyone. Courage can be defined as a strength, power, resolve, or an instinct to face a scary obstacle head on. It is often used when challenging a difficult, frightening, painful, or disturbing situation. However, there are moments where courage is suppressed and the first instinct is to flee in fear. In The Wizard of Oz, a novel by L. Frank Baum and adapted into film directed by Victor Fleming, the fictional animal character, the Cowardly Lion, is in search of his lost courage and decides to join Dorothy, the Scarecrow, and the Tin Man on their journey to meet with the Wizard of Oz. While he thinks the only way to obtain courage is from the wizard, he unknowingly had it to begin with all this time. The Cowardly Lion believed he was born without any courage as he says ““Life is sad, believe me, Missy When you 're born to be a sissy, Without the vim and verve. But I could show my prowess -- Be a lion not a mou-ess.” Others had expectations for him to be a brave and serious King of the Forest. So in order to live up to these expectations, he tried creating a fake persona, which led him to be looked as a bully. Constantly intimidating visitors of the forest by saying “Put 'em up! Put 'em.......up!” For someone without any courage, it is surprising that he could have pulled this off. The main objective of a bully is to pick on someone smaller and weaker than them. However, his fake image completely goes down the drain when he