The Crutchfield Web Site

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Web sites today are cultured foundations of companies’ strategies intended to successfully and professionally sell products, generate sales leads, offer service and communicate with customers and vendors. The online retailers need to validate that their site visitors can easily access the materials. The visitors are looking for items that will complete their search quest, and help them make their final choice of what to buy. All of the mentioned stages are accomplished through the web site navigation and content. Both navigation and content are needed in creating a positive customer experience and higher conversion rate, which is one of the main processes used in examining web site’s usefulness.
The purpose of this report is to examine the …show more content…

This site provides enough contact information, which could help with the process of answering the customers’ questions. The retailer needs to build frames for the layout of the site because frames would help probably turn visitors into customers. The site is not easily accessible for the disabled visitors, which could mean that the visitors may not purchase items and ultimately lose business. The retailer should start including ALT tags in the search engine. The ALT tags should help the site, find all of the search requests, faster. Overall, the site needs minor changes to the format and the products …show more content…

Crutchfield needs to make their site more appealing to the visitors because it looks plain and outdated. Customers, normally, use any of the sites, only if they have good experiences on the sites On the other hand, the experience of shopping at other, lesser known online retailers was a little more negative based on the customers’ reviews. Stressful experiences on websites are partly due to the availability of goods. For instance, poor site structure is a problem for the ability of searching items. Furthermore, the delivery time causes the customers to wonder when the item will arrive at the shipping address. Many of the reviewers, experienced more comfort and fulfillment with famous and established online retailers like Amazon. There were four other main areas an online retailer should emphasize. These areas are: product variety, product specialty, site reputation, customer support and service, and great web design. For example, Amazon’s increase in the selection of products other than books has made the site a one stop shopping website. It is important that all of the sites have good page layouts because the sites would be considered more organized. The sites should have the ability to find all of the products, throughout the

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