
The Daily Show: Good Or Bad For American Democracy

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Is the “The Daily Show” good for or bad for American democracy? That’s like asking, “Does video-game violence make people violent?” It all depends on how easily the person is influenced. Some people may be easily swayed by the comedy, but most are usually indifferent to all of it.
However, people like to focus only on the negative side of the issues and act as if applies to every one, or at least the majority, the stand point of this is that is not as bad as some people may want it to seem, and this is why.
This argument may hade been said a hundred thousand times for every similar conflict, but until people start to realize that those around them are also able to think for themselves, its going to be repeated over and over. [The demographic may be young voters, and people may say that its easy to win their opinion]imagine for a second that it is true, that young people eat up every single detail that detail that “The Daily Show” says. What would the voters be like? Would they hate all politics? Would they hate all but one party? Would they be better informed? In the real world “would” …show more content…

‘How about all the negative things they say about politics? Wouldn’t that joust make young people hate politics in general?” If such a thing was true all news watchers will commit suicide for hating the world, That’s joust what the news programs talk about because that’s what people want to hear. Does that make it right? No but it is the standard of the news world, and you can’t expect a single “news’ show to break this tend all alone, considering all the other thing it does differently, which is another reason why it is hated and loved by people, the comedy, some say it ridicules politics for no reason while the other side joust thinks it is a refreshing way to show the news, and a rather good one for people who joust entered the convoluted road to knowledge of politics, but that’s all joust how you look a

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