1984 By George Orwell Analysis

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“Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.” In a world like 1984’s, reality is subjective and freedom is non existent. This is a concept hard to grasp because what is known is concrete and can not be changed. If looked at very closely, is it possible that one person or a group of people could manipulate the media to convince a whole people that what was known as concrete is now just a concept? Reality can be subjective if not prevented.
The human population is a mass of working cogs just trying to figure out how everything works. People decide what to eat as well as discover things like gravity. But people are just people who can be molded, no matter how old. And if they cannot be molded, …show more content…

But if the world is not careful, over time, it will be the same.
Today's world is able to maintain a sense of freedom is because education about science and history is so heavily taught. As the technological age progresses though, history and science
Woolsey 2 begins to get lost. People begin to turn into mush. Progress would begin to slow to a halt. Society will start to believe whatever is spoonfed to them. This can be seen in 1984. “And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed – if all records told the same tale – then the lie passed into history and became truth. "Who controls the past," ran the Party slogan, "controls the future: who controls the present controls the past." (1984, Orwell) Winston knows better than to believe what Big Brother is feeding to everyone else. His neighbor however, is not so fortunate. Parsons is the classic example of moldable mush. He believed all of the newspeak and was happy