
1984 By George Orwell: An Analysis

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In the novel, 1984, George Orwell made it clear that power is not the only the ability to control people through brute strength, but rather "power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing" (Orwell). Although the dystopic world within 1984 was fictional, methods such as manipulation of the media and distortion of the truth are used by many real-world nations. These techniques allowed for many nations across the span of time to influence large masses of people into believing certain political ideologies and pushed an agenda onto the public that best suited the governing party. The nation of Ukraine has experienced a political tug-of-war in the last few years between Western nations and the Russian government; both sides have gone to great lengths to increase their influence on Ukraine and it has led to many conflicts as a result. Both European/Western and Russian backed media …show more content…

Media creates an altered image of reality allowing for the information of a situation to be corrupted to push a political agenda on to the masses. The Ukrainian revolution in 2014 led to the ousting of Ukraine's Pro-Russian leader Viktor Yanukovych and led to the formation of a Pro-Western Government. Unfortunately, once the new government was formed a war broke out between Russian separatists and the Ukrainian military. Throughout the ongoing conflict, Russian media outlets had constantly reported how Russian citizens were being targeted and killed throughout Ukraine by the Ukrainian military. Other points by Russian state TV were that the clear majority of Russians within

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