Persuasive Essay On School Drills

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You must have heard all about the tragic school shooting that occurred in Parkland, Florida by now. This atrocity was caused by an ex-student who killed 17 people and injured many more. It is painful to say but, unless something changes it will happen again. The school officials need to go back and rethink the emergency plans they have and design new ones tailored to prevent and minimize effects of these incidents. The plans and drills in place are old and clearly not built to work in these “active shooter” situations. Our schools officials need to reform the emergency preparedness taught to the students and staff. A complete reform may not be necessary but positively would still help save lives. New drills and tactics need to be made because the schools need to keep up with the terrorist’s new tactics and plans. The school officials need to exercise and inform on how to react and control a situation you pray to never be in. A “code red” drill was a good basis to go on, keeping the students out of …show more content…

They are responsible for implementing these procedures and making sure our students don’t have to worry about be harmed at school. The students and parents shouldn’t have to buy self-protection devices as depicted in the cartoon. Where in a grocery store binders and backpacks are next to pepper spray and bullet proof vests. That is not a world we want to live in but it could be if we don’t reform the way we keep schools safe. The school officials cannot have a plan from another school because every school is different. So every plan must be different, as described in an article by William Cummings “An effective plan should be based on the specific physical layout of a given school, it should rely heavily on training simulations and with various scenarios and it should be regularly updated.” Keeping the plan improved and well drilled will lead to the safest schools. This is what the school official need to