The Departed Movie Analysis

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Throughout my movie review, I have chosen to watch the movie The Departed. I have found five crime theories; they are differential association, strain theory, subculture of violence, differential opportunity, psychodynamic and psychiatric, and routines activities theory. These theories best explain the deviance and criminal activities that are depicted in the film. First, I will explain the crime theories, second I will explain the programs that are designated to those crime theories, and lastly I will discuss the reality and demographics of the offender. The first crime theory I will discuss is Differential Association theory. According to Edwin H. Sutherland, differential association is a learning theory that explains criminal behavior …show more content…

According to Robert Merton, strain theory explains the discrepancy between goals and the means to achieve them can cause “strain”. They can become alienated from society and have a greater tendency to engage in criminal activity” (Fleischer par.1). In the movie The Departed, strain theory used with Colin Sullivan when he bought the expensive apartment with a view. Sullivan is getting paid by Frank Costello to inform him about everything going on in the police department. Sullivan is driven by his desire to live a lavish lifestyle. The programs related to the strain theory are at risk programs that enhance the opportunity of poor youth to succeed at school. It’s a direct pathway to access universities, colleges, and careers. Criminal Justice Research stated, “One such program is the National Head Start Association, which sponsors a preschool enrichment program. Head Start focuses on preschool-age children in disadvantaged areas. Such children are placed in a preschool- program designed to equip them with the skills and attitudes necessary to do well in school. The program also works with the parents of these children, teaching them how they can help their children do well in school. Another program, Job Corps, focuses on older juveniles and adults. This program attempts to equip individuals with the skills and attitudes necessary to obtain a good job. Some evidence suggests that both these programs are successful in …show more content…

According to Marvin Wolfgang and Franco Ferracuti, “This concept refers to the set of values, beliefs, attitudes, and expectation that nurture the application of violence in social settings. This subculture condones violent behavior and even considers it to normal or acceptable” (Fleischer pg. 1). Subculture of violence is displayed in the movie when Costello uses aggression and violence to get what he wants. He kills people who irritate him and interfere with his business. For example, in the beginning of the movie, Costello stated how “Guineas” tried to tell him what to do and Costello did not like it so he ended up shooting both of them in the head in cold blood. Violence is contributed to Costello and his gang because he needs to show people that he is not playing games nor is he messing around when it comes down to business. If people ever interfere with Frank, they will end up dead. The system response to subculture of violence is aggression replacement treatment (AKT). This program helps juveniles learn pro-social skills to substitute for their aggressive tendencies. A specific program is Aggression Replacement Training (ART). ART assists both adults and juveniles in changing their behaviors. As stated in the text, “It is a structured program that combines the use of techniques from cognitive therapy (based on cognitive theories) and behavioral therapy (from learning theory)” (Clinical Key par.