
The Distribution Of Power In The Tempest

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It was once said by Condoleezza Rice, “Power is nothing unless you can turn it into influence.” In “The Tempest” three powers that can be seen throughout the play are supernatural power, political power and parental power. Out of the many characters that are seen in the play only three characters wield at least two of these three powers. Those three characters are Prospero, Alonso and Sycorax. While the distribution of power varies with these three characters, there is a noticeable difference in each of these character’s children and how the power affects them. In Shakespeare’s play “The Tempest” the differences between Prospero, Alonso, Sycorax and their children Miranda, Ferdinand and Caliban show readers there is a distinct difference in power and how it affects not only the ones who wield power, but their children as well. …show more content…

As Prospero tells Miranda of how they came to the island, readers learn that Prospero once had political and parental power simultaneously. “Twelve year since, Miranda, twelve year since/ Thy father was the Duke of Milan and/ a prince of power” (1.2: 54-56). Once Prospero and Miranda reach the island, with the help of his books and a special cloak, Prospero achieves supernatural power that many could only dream about. Miranda grew up knowing of Prospero’s supernatural power (asking if he caused the storm) as well as his parental power over her. It isn’t until Prospero tells her of how they came to the island that she officially learns of his political power, yet through it all she remains innocent and sweet. She doesn’t use the power she knows her father has to her

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