The Effect Of Appearance In Belle Prater's Boy

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Appearances come with a tragic price. A prodigious amount of characters’ lives changed based on their appearances in Ruth White’s novel, Belle Prater’s Boy, and characters focused and cherished a person’s beautiful appearances. In Belle Prater 's Boy if you had a pretty appearance or if they were cross-eyed determined the names people called you, and the type of clothes they wore determined the names that people decided to call them. Appearance and a person’s disfigurement were the main causes of death and disappearance. A character’s beautiful appearance changed someone’s love for them. Although many characters in Belle Prater’s Boy were affected, Gypsy was affected the most by appearance. Appearances affected everyone 's lives. Her father nicknamed her Beauty that was decided end by her appearance. When Amos nicknamed Gypsy, he only focused on her long hair and her beautiful appearance not her skills or intelligence. Other people beside her father called her beauty. This showed that they only cared about her beautiful hair, clothes, and her uncommon beauty. Additionally, Gypsy’s father committed suicide due to his disfigurement with scars on his face. This implied that his love for appearance was more than his love for Gypsy. This suggests that Amos believed his own appearance was more important than anything else was, and that society was not competent to handle a person 's disfigurement. Gypsy lost …show more content…

Winfield 2 Although many characters in Belle Prater’s Boy were affected, Gypsy was affected the most seeing that it determined her nickname, her father’s death, and her feeling invisible. Society immediately judges someone based off the way they look. The importance of a beautiful or ugly appearance has not changed since the 1950’s.Even now today people think the best person to marry is the prettiest. Gypsy’s nickname was determined based off how she looked. It is and always will be incorrect to judge someone’s character based off his or her