The Effect Of Mood On Sexuality

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The three researchers doing the survey study "Individual Differences in the Effect of Mood on Sexuality: The Revised Mood and Sexuality Questionnaire (MSQ-R) (CITE)
Set out to determine if there is an effect on sexual desire or arousal; through positive or negative mood. The participants in this study were broken up into three groups, 632 Heterosexual men, 422 Homosexual men, and 929 Heterosexual women.(CITE). This survey study was based on a previous survey called the MSQ (CITE). The survey focused on these moods and their positive or negative affect on sexual desire/response.(CITE) Due to the fact that there is a lot of variability coming into effect here the results for this original questionnaire were pretty broad.
The MSQ-R takes many more factors into account for example the four moods in the MSQ were used as well as whether or not the participant was in a general positive or negative mood.(CITE). The revisited questionnaire takes the desire to masturbate into effect as well instead of just the desire to be with a partner. Another variability taken into account was how sexual intercourse effects the mood (CITE). Intercourse usually relieves stress and therefore can turn a negative mood into a positive mood, and this may increase desire for some while in a negative mood in order to cheer up so to speak. …show more content…

We know this because the participants mood comes before their changing of sexual desire or arousal. The revised 30 question survey came up with many very interesting results for example, straight men and homosexual men were more likely to have an increase in sexual arousal and desire than straight women when anxious or stressed