Families, starving and homeless, look to their government for hope. The Great Depression has just hit America. The stock market climbed to a high and then crashed from all the unpaid loans and other services. People rush to the bank to pull all their money out of their account, but no one realized that the bank uses that money for government programs and not in a vault. People weren’t able to get their money, since so many had people had withdrawn their money cleaning out the banks. People were forced to sell their homes to deal with the rising mortgage rates and no jobs to pay it off. People have become homeless, in debt and have no source of money. People were dying from hunger and no affordable health care. The country has dipped into its …show more content…
In Alden Stevens, “Whither the American Indian?”, it states, “Congress is authorized to appropriate $10 million from which loans may be made for the purpose of promoting the economic development of the tribes” (Stevens). The New Deal set aside a lot of money to help rebuild the Native American’s economy. They cared about the Native Americans and made an effort to fix their economy. Later in the article it states, “About seventy-five of the tribal corporations are now functioning … and the number continues to grow” (Stevens). The New Deal successfully was able to help the Native Americans get back on their feet and be able to make it through the Great Depression. The government was able to step in and help stop the economic collapse from spreading to the Native Americans and their communities. The New Deal was able to help create jobs for normal citizens and their troubles, but it was also able to help. Some people may say that many of the Native Americans still had their problems after the new deal, but the document says “every one has been addressed” (Stevens). The Native Americans were all accounted for and the government attempted to fix all the Native Americans …show more content…
The unemployment rate skyrocketed up from 3% to 22% in 3 years, according to a journal of economics. This was caused by the Great Depression and the business having to lay off workers in order to not go bankrupt. This made the unemployment percentage skyrocket in a short amount of time. The New Deal had to do something to keep an income flowing into homes of families and citizens across the country. The New Deal steps up and helps bring jobs to people in need of one. The New Deal brought down the unemployment rates from 22% to 9% in 5 years and then 12% to 6% in 3 years, also from the journal. The New Deal helped bring down the unemployment rates, making sure that most homes were able to have a way to buy food and keep their homes. Some may say that the unemployment rate went down too late, but the New Deal started bringing down the rate the year after by 2% and then more for each year. The New Deal was proven a success with how it dramatically brought down unemployment from 22% all the way down to 6% in 9