The Effects Of Hiroshima On The Hibakusha

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I am researching the effects of Hiroshima on the “hibakusha” to better understand World War II and the nuclear warfare narrative. The devastation left by the atomic bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima should serve as a reminder of the damage that it can do. The Manhattan Project allowed America to develop and research nuclear weapons. This would lead to the United States deploying Nuclear weapons on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, which would force Japan to surrender to the allies on August 15, 1945, unwillingly. The effect and impact of the atomic bombing of the Japanese people are understudied. Hiroshima demonstrated the power America’s atomic bomb and is often celebrated for its power, but commentary about the human consequences on the “hibakusha” is shunned from the larger narrative of World War II. In Japan, "hibakusha" means "the people affected by the explosion." It is crucial to include and study the “hibakusha” to understand and grasp the damage that a nuclear war can inflict on those involved. The medical and social effects of the bomb altered the lives of many Japanese civilians and these individuals are forgotten in World War II’s narrative. The experiences of the “hibakusha” are not well documented because they often remain silent about their suffering. These experiences not well known and need to be remembered as an important part of Japanese-American history. The bomb altered the lives of Japanese civilians and made them minorities in their own country. The U.S.