The Embargo On Cuba

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The embargo on Cuba started because of the missile crisis of the 1960s. Cuba is suspected of blowing up an American ship many years ago. The U.S started the embargo instead of going to a war with the island, Cuba. However, that is not the only reason. Cuba mistreats its citizens; barely let them own businesses or any properties. People say that an tourist in Cuba has more rights than Cubans who live there. The Leaders of Cuba are extremely awful. Fidel Castro and Raul Castro have enslaved Cubans with poverty by using communism. To have their politics and communist government change into democratic, the U.S has put in many work, which change nothing about the horrible condition of this brother country. One example of this would be the Helms-Burton …show more content…

He said that he has been trying to improve relationships with Cuba since the restoration of diplomatic ties between the two nations, that was announced by Cuban President Raul Castro and president Obama. The reason why President Obama wants to lift this embargo is because he wants to leave the past as past and move on. He said, “Fifty years of isolating Cuba had failed to promote democracy, setting us back in Latin America. That’s why we restored diplomatic relations, opened the door to travel and commerce, and positioned ourselves to improve the lives of the Cuban people.” Meaning, he wants to remind everyone that the Cold war is over. Therefore, there’s no need to continue this dysfunctional relationship with Cuba anymore because it isn’t doing any of the countries any good. He wants to go to Cuba soon and give those who wants the same as him, an opportunity of free expression. He also said that he will take executive actions to loosen trade and travel embargoes. Even though he knows he can not make it possible himself using his executive powers, he wishes to end the invisible war/boundary going on between the two countries. He has been trying his best to have Congress take serious legislative steps to fully lift …show more content…

He said, “50 years is enough.” Although he once said that he personally wouldn’t do any sort of business with Cuba and that America should maintain an economic embargo against Cuba, he did mention how the change in relationships with Cuba is fine. However, he believes that the U.S should think closely about what they want from Cuba before ending it all. He said,“ 'We have to make a good deal. I would want to make a good deal. I would want to make a strong, solid, good deal.” It hasn 't been a long time since he said that he wants to close the newly re-opened American embassy in Havana until a better 'deal ' was in place. In 1999, Trump called Castro a horrible dictator, saying, “He 's been a killer, he 's a criminal.” Therefore, Trump doesn’t believe people who have done what he 's done should be rewarded. That was the reason behind his opposition, which has soften up now. As of now, Trump is willing to make this change happen regardless of what he thinks of Castro and wishes to see. Trump said, “If I formed an investment corporation with European partners, I could earn millions of dollars in Cuba. But I prefer to lose those millions than to lose my self-respect,” Trump wrote. “I prefer to dispense with that type of profit than to become a financial supporter of one of the most brutal dictators in the world, a man who once was willing to