The Enlightenment Or The Age Of Reason

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The Enlightenment or the Age of Reason which came after the Renaissance period, was the intellectual movement during 17th and 18th centuries, aimed to encourage people to give value to use logic and reasoning (science or philosophy) to determine what they should believe or not and how they should act in western countries. It was the period which people considered the reasoning as the power of authority rather religious or traditional notions. It took place in politics, science, and religion. It likely came from a loss of faith in religious authority and leaders, due to the religious wars. And it was the turning point in European history.
For over thousands of years after the fall of the Roman Empire, science and philosophy were on backward. …show more content…

To some extent, they lived in an uncertain world. There used to be imbalanced, corruption in government. There used to be injustice even in front of the law. There used to be no option to whom should govern them. Thomas Hobbes, an English philosopher who is considered as one of the founders of modern political philosophy, argued to the Divine Rights of King (Absolute power) that people are basically combined with two things, evil and selfish. People often made bad decision, he said which is why people need king or absolute monarch. The one who will always tell them what to do. After that, he introduced his book entitled “Leviathan”, known as “The Sea Monster” which was published in 1651. It was the most definitive and persuasive book to the question, “Why one should obey government without questioning”. It is right, he said because the government would protect us from ourselves. At the same time, he also argued concisely to why divine rights theory was not make sense anymore. In his book, he put forward his compelling argument to tie up social contract theory. To do this, he took his readers to the time which he called “The state of nature”. It explained where and how the government took at the very beginning of anything. In his famous formulation, he stated that, the state of nature would have been solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short without the existence of …show more content…

He was known as John Locke, an English medical doctor and philosopher. During the Glorious revolution in 1688, John Locke once introduced the world one of his book, “Two Treatises of Government”. He basically was writing in defense of constitutionalism. Within his writing, he was talking about natural rights which he believed that it was what Gods gave to every mankind. He stated that each individual of human being was born with 3 natural rights. These natural rights are rights of living a life, rights of political equality or liberty, and rights of owing property. He believes that the reason why we need government is because they have role to protect our natural rights. By the rights of life, it means that everyone should be living their life without harming another life. It existed long before Locke discovered. It has to be applied to all people, except the particular place where they lived. In addition, by mentioning about the law of political equality or liberty, he refers to the consist of the social and political freedoms to everyone to choose whosever to lead them. Locke believes that the power of the government to rule must come from the consent of governed. In other words, it means that people should be able to choose who could possibly govern them. It was why people need to have it. And the law of ownership property, he explained along with his story. John Locke was born at