Symbolic Interaction Theory Of Communication

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Over time, communication is what has seemingly steered the world for ages and helped it to grow to this amazing levels that were previously not thought of. In fact, the mere existence of communication is what has kept this world together, interconnected and existent. Furthermore, because of the common languages, people all over the world are now able to have conversations and get to understand each other better so that this world which seems so big gets to be so small and almost accessible to every literate being who seeks to understand it better. All this comes as an aftermath to the existence of conversations. Actually, a conversation is a talk between two or more parties with the same agenda and who can actually understand each other. This …show more content…

These theories have been brought up after research meant to show the effectiveness and the chemistry behind the act. Some of this theories include symbolic interactionism, coordinated management of meaning and also expectancy violations theory structure. Looking at these theories, I will try and explain them according to my understanding. In symbolic interactionism, this is in a situation where gestures are put into use especially in a bid to send a message across, for example, when a child is in the growing stages and language development is key, there is continuous use of signs that tend to send a message and help them build their language. Looking at coordinated management of meaning, we can be able to tell that the people engaging in a conversation tend to derive meaning from the interpersonal point of view. By doing so, they are also able to coordinate their reaction during the conversation. The expectancy violations theory structure looks at a whole new level of conversation. Take an instance whereby one of the conversing people gets an unexpected occurrence let’s say a tragedy, this theory tends to look at the way the conversation will change and even become awkward to the other party. This is why it is seen to be the violation theory because at this point, one might not be in a very good position to make sound judgments’. This may actually interfere with the conversation kind …show more content…

They even insist using gestures so that the message to be put across can be able to be deciphered by the other party. We are able to see the boy use his hand s to insist that his father could not have tried to kill himself. He is trying to prove his point to the doctor and the mother. The mother on the other hand has played a major role on the coordinated management of meaning. This is whereby she has to compose herself and then thank her son for coming and being there at that moment. She also tries to control the situation arising between the doctor and the son. The expectations violations theory is brought out clearly whereby there is an uncomfortable situation brought by the doctor who tries to convince the boy that his father tried to commit suicide. By doing so, the boy does not think twice but snaps out and tries to prove otherwise in every means whereby he talks back and this comes out rather in a violating manner. Therefore, looking at the provided clip, we are able to look at the theories provided and even relate all of them to some place in the video clip where we see these action happening clearly. This makes it that in a conversation, these theories do