The Importance Of Intercultural And Interpersonal Communication

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“Rules of different kinds guide all communicative interaction, and the learning of rules and of their proper application is essential to our becoming competent members of our society.” This statement means that rules are important in intercultural and interpersonal communication. Intercultural and interpersonal communications are guided by different rules such as family rules and social rules among others. People have to observe the rules of intercultural and interpersonal communication to communicate with different societies.

In intercultural communication, rules can applied in the sense that different cultures have certain of interpreting particular rules. For example, the rule about exceptions and qualifications is a family rule that can be interpreted differently depending on culture. The concept of family rules considers many set of rules that goes …show more content…

Peoples anticipation in a conversation on incident may not happen because some people can choose to break the rules. From a personal experience on interpersonal communication, the way I present myself when I communicate with my Professor may be to achieve a certain outcome. This is because I may expect to receive some favors by the way I present myself. For instance, I smile to my professor when I hand in my assignment late so that I am not punished for the lateness. What I expected is to have my paper received and avoid the deducted. This may not happen because the Professor can choose to deduct marks even after the way I act. This means that rules can change the expected outcomes of interpersonal communication because social rules are different from what the law requires. The law requires deduction of marks for all late assignments even though social rules may result to expectation for favors by how we act such as smiling. This is because laws have to be followed but social rules may be followed or may