The Four Agreements Don Miguel Ruiz Analysis

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My continuing study of The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz 1. Be impeccable with your words. 2. Don't take anything personally. 3. Don't assume anything. 4. Always do your best. Number 4 is a piece of cake for me, as I always give my all in everything I do. Sometimes to the point of being a detriment. An example of this is when I have been injured, yet find it virtually impossible to hold back, take it easy, or "mark" while in a dance class or at an audition. I end up going full out despite my body's loud protestations, leaving me feeling like I've failed as well as frustrated beyond belief by my physical limitations. Sometimes it feels like my body is betraying me. Number 1, I also find fairly easy. I do my best to stay true to my word. I also pay close attention to what I say out loud because I firmly believe that thoughts are powerful in and of themselves, but once they are verbalized, their power increases. Words can have a lasting effect. Just ask anyone who has been at the receiving end of a verbal barb or careless statement. They are especially detrimental when we say negative things about ourselves. Why put that energy out into the Universe? I try to remain very cognizant of how I express myself. …show more content…

I also feel that Universe is a little more encompassing of the vast nature and the creative force, which I believe to be God. That eternal and infinite quality which is so difficult to describe. Pastor Rob Bell, author of Love Wins, uses the German word Grenzbegriff to describe that very concept. Grenzbegriff means that which is real but beyond analysis and