The Four Noble Truths: The Noble Eightfold Path

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These are the four noble truths, life will always involve suffering, this suffering is caused by greed and this greed is sown by our own in-experiences. The suffering will end when the greed ends. Finally, the way to a realization is through the Noble Eightfold Path. The Noble Eightfold Path is a methodical method in which anyone can achieve nirvana. Its first facet is to understand the four noble truths, then one must learn why they are self-serving and hide who they truly are. The third aspect is "in christian terms is speak no evil," no gossip, lying, or alienating speech. Aspect five is to live a pure lifestyle, no murder, stealing, etc. The sixth is to always strive for purification of mind, the seventh is to always be mindful and the eight is to practice meditation to quite one 's mind. These are the ways the Buddhist strive for to overcome Karma.

In Hinduism they handle Karma in very similar ways, They believe the same, that not only one 's actions and deeds carry consequences through into the next rebirths but also our thoughts. That a man becomes pure through a unpolluted mind and honest deeds. One cannot escape karma alone by living this way, to escape what the Hindus call samsara or the recycling of life-one must achieve moksha or liberation from the limitations of

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