Importance Of Freedom Of Speech Essay

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• Freedom of speech and expression is a standout amongst the most essential human rights and it plays a role in a democratic society. It is the right to express your thoughts and opinions through writing, speech or any other way of communication without restriction or limitation but at the same time without causing any type or harm to anyone. Freedom of speech is also known as freedom of press. In Article 19 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights (UDHR), it is stated that “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” Therefore, it is guaranteed that everyone has the right to freedom of expression.

John Milton was a civil servant at the Commonwealth of England. He was also an English poet. In 1644, John Milton promulgate his ‘Areopagitica’ as an appeal at the Parliament defending the right to freedom of speech. According to John Milton, the historical background of freedom of speech is comprehended as a multi-faceted that incorporates not just the privilege to express one’s thought and opinions but it’s the right to receive data and thoughts. He wrote : it is strange to expect that everything an administration will be done legitimately. But …show more content…

In many countries, sedition laws have been revoke or have been disuse for some time. Anyhow, it is surprising to know that prosecutions for sedition are turning out to be very common in Malaysia as it is increasing. In 1948 the British introduced the Sedition Act in Malaysia and they used it as a legal stipulation created to silence dissent against any colonialism or British law. The Sedition Act 1948 is a pair of laws or rules in Malaysia that is pass to govern and to keep an eye on public actions that will be understood as