The Girl Who Owned A City Essay

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Many children in this decade rely on grownups to supply their demands, protect them, nurture them, and help solve their problems. Adults tend to work, cook, clean, and do such so kids do not have to worry about these tasks. The tides turn, though, when all adults die from disease and the children are left to thrive on their own. In The Girl Who Owned a City, written by O.T. Nelson, Lisa and the other children left behind have to discover how to survive on their own while facing difficulties they never expected to solve. The book The Girl Who Owned a City takes place in what's inferred to be the future. The story mostly takes place outside of Chicago. An epidemic breaks out and spreads all over the world, but children under the age of twelve are mysteriously immune to the disease. The children have to survive with no electricity, limited food, and gangs. The Girl Who Owned a City starts with Lisa breaking into a deserted house, swiping food and supplies left behind. Lisa Nelson, a strong and caring sister who is ten years old, has to quickly grow up in order to protect and provide for herself and her younger …show more content…

Throughout The Girl Who Owned A City, Lisa and the other characters had to address situations and act as an adult would. Lisa and other big siblings had to provide food, shelter, protection, and love to their younger brothers, sisters, and neighbors. They had to take the role of adults at such a young age in order to survive. Early into the book, Lisa grasp the task of driving and eventually teaches others the skill. Driving a car is something that takes months for teenagers and adults to learn, and although the children may not have been perfect drivers, they taught themselves to to drive a car, showing how they mature rapidly. Also, the children of Grand Avenue form a militia to protect their belongings and lives. Children as young as five were crafting Molotov cocktails and shooting guns. These actions