
The Giver Antiheron Quotes

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(AGG) The quote “The worst cruelty that can be inflicted on a human being is isolation.” from Sukarno is applicable to all of Jonas’s life. (BS-1) The book opens with Jonas who obeys his government without question and accepts his community completely. (BS-2) Jonas starts to rebel against and question society because of his training with the Giver. (BS-3) Jonas is unable to live another day in his emotionless society so he decides to escape. (TS) In the book, The Giver, Jonas goes through the stages of the antihero because of his lack of meaningful relationships.

(MIP-1) Like most antiheroes, Jonas starts as a person who actively tries to fit in with society and obeys their every word. (SIP-A) Jonas subconsciously tries to fit in and obey …show more content…

(SIP-A) Jonas is questioning society and its ideals as a whole. (STEWE-1) Jonas is questioning why he cannot choose once he learns about colors —” But now that I can see colors, at least sometimes, I was just thinking: what if we could hold up things that were bright red, or bright yellow, and he could choose?” (98). This quote describes Jonas’s concern about choice and whether or not people should be able to choose what they want. The Giver replies with his concern about people making the wrong choice. So through his question, Jonas is questioning society’s ideals about the world. (STEWE-2) To Jonas, the choice doesn't matter much, it's more about getting to choose what he wants to wear or what he wants to do, "If everything's the same, then there aren't any choices! I want to wake up in the morning and decide things! A blue tunic, or a red one?" (97). The Giver then asks him if the choices are important or if the process of choosing is important. Jonas replies with the above quote. Even though the choices aren’t important, the process of getting to choose what to wear or do. (STEWE-3) to connect with Asher, Jonas attempts to transmit a memory to him, “He put his hands on Asher's shoulders, and concentrated on the red of the petals, trying to hold it as long as he could, and trying at the same time to transmit the awareness of …show more content…

(SIP-A) Jonas is preparing to escape from his society after discovering traumatic things and becoming isolated even further. (STEWE-1) The Giver shows Jonas a video of his dad releasing a twin. His father had previously told him what happened but Jonas discovers that his father lied. His reaction to this is “He killed it! My father killed it!” (150). He feels a sense of betrayal. He did not think his father could ever do such a thing. Jonas refuses to go home, to hear his father’s lies, ” I won't! I won't go home! You can't make me!" Jonas sobbed” (152). After witnessing the release, Jonas reflects on how cruel his society is and how it does not value relationships. (STEWE-2) After watching the release, “Jonas felt a ripping sensation inside himself, the feeling of terrible pain clawing its way forward to emerge in a cry” (152). The release changes everything for Jonas. He no longer trusts anyone after being lied to. He even loses trust in the Giver, “Do you lie to me, too?” (153). Jonas has a rule saying he can lie to anyone but he never realized that others could be lying to him as well. Turns out, others do lie, it is part of their job. After finding out his father was lying about the release, Jonas morally views him as a murderer, someone who killed without mercy, “His father smiled and lied easily, too, about his busy and pleasant day the day

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