The Grandfather 'And Sandra Cisneros Abuelito Who'

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How long will love last? No matter how different people are, they share the same experiences, same concerns , and same values. Some people describe folktales as , simple stories passed down by generation by word of mouth. Universal theme can be translated into works of art. Leo Tolstoy’s Russian folk tale “The Grandfather and His Little Grandson” and Sandra Cisneros’ poem “Abuelito Who” have the same universal theme about the importance of grandchildren always loving and respecting their grandparents. In “The Grandfather and His Little Grandson” a Russian folktale by Leo Tolstoy it says “The grandfather had become very old. His legs would not carry him, his eyes could not see, his ears could not hear, and he was toothless.” One of the main themes of this story is respect your elders, because one day you will be one too. This theme is expressed by Misha in Lines 12-15 stating “They saw him putting together something out of small pieces of wood. His father asked him “What are you making, Misha?” The little grandson said, “I’m making a wooden bucket. When you and …show more content…

I am guessing he is dead because of these lines 6,10,11,16-18. First off in line 6 and 10 it says “is too sad to come downstairs today” and “can’t come out to play” so this makes it seem like he is in the same house as the author but later in the text we got these two lines “Is tired shut the door, doesn’t live here anymore” see what I mean here is another one. “Is hiding underneath the bed, who talks to me inside my head.” Why would it say talks to me inside my head when he could just talk to them. Furthermore what does Bed and head rhyme with DEAD. After all of that I still think that they both express the same theme from the words and tone of the poem it sounds like the grandkid loves and respects their grandparent just like in “The Old Grandpa and His Little