The Great Firewall: The Use Of Internet Censorship In China

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How many times do you look something up on Google and taking for granted that you find what you are looking for? If you lived in China, you would not always be so lucky. Take, for example, Winnie the Pooh. You might look up “Winnie the Pooh” to find a picture of him or a movie to show a child, and you would find millions of results. In China, you would not find anything (Smith 10). The Chinese government employs a broad and extensive system of internet censorship that has been given the name The Great Firewall. It is used to control information and block images and websites the government does not want their citizens to see. One such example is when there were protests in Hong Kong during 2014. The Great Firewall was used to delete pictures from the protests and censor the information available online about the story (Duggan). It is also used for very trivial matters because the government can censor whatever it wants without repercussions. Internet users were using the cartoon character of Winnie the Pooh as a joke, saying he looked like Xi Jinping, the Chinese president. The government simply removed every picture of him they could find on the internet to prevent the comparisons from being made (Smith 10). The ability of a government to censor and block online information, potentially without their people even knowing, is very foreign to people in the United States and is actually scary.