
The Great Gatsby Research Paper

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I imagine a lot will want to pursue English Literature because English is all that they’ve mastered since learning the subordinate clause in nursery school. I’m not far different, but different still. To me, to understand English Literature, you don’t only have to master English on its own but different kinds of approach to English. I grew up constantly code-switching in a single sentence because I lived in a bilingual home and was surrounded by bilingual people. I learned to understand that a single meaning can be conveyed differently and a single sentence can have diverse meanings. I believe this is why English Language and Literature has become my choice of degree; the knowledge to be able to approach texts in many different ways so that …show more content…

In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald uses various colors to emphasize his ideas. He changes Daisy’s hair color as the story goes on. As our view on Daisy changes, so does her hair color: it was a “dash of blue paint” and later, it becomes “yellowy” before transitioning into “dark shining”. Perhaps Fitzgerald believed that Daisy, whose love shifts from one man to another, is a character too transient to be able to retain a fixed appearance. She is a gamble for Gatsby, a dream more to disappoint than to attain and we were made to understand through the colors Fitzgerald painted of her. It is how we different we can view a character through tiny details like this that makes me love English …show more content…

Although the restaurant I worked at was owned by an American, the direct supervisor I had to communicate with was a Korean and even though it was nerve wrecking to be dependent on my newly developed Korean skills, I embraced the challenge and adapted to the environment fairly quickly. Through numerous bridges I had to build because of the communication barriers; this was where I learnt that just because I am literate in English, it does not mean that I am also skilled to be able to convey my messages correctly.
Through this experience, I learned various other ways to express myself and it has broaden my perspective in Literature and I begin to see more when I read.
One of my passions for Literature comes from its poetry. Poetry can introduce me to worlds beyond what I have experienced and its ability to directly take hold of my imaginations continually encourages me to develop and transform my ideas. I realized my love for poetry at thirteen, after my aunt passed on and I started writing poems as a substitute. It was the first passing of a family member I had experience and, I described her as a withered flower, kept at the back of a closet. It no longer smells good, its petals no longer looks beautiful but the significance of the flower remains the

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