
History Of The Gregorian Calendar

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Throughout the course of history, different peoples have created calendars according to their beliefs and views on how the world worked. Whether it be the Mayans or the Aztecs or the Romans, each group of people consisted of different beliefs that affected the way they created their yearly calendars. Different peoples used religion or science to create their calendars to their understanding of how time passed at the time of their existence. The calendar we use today in the present day is called the Gregorian calendar, which is used by just about everyone in the world because it is the standard calendar that has been created, instead of having different calendars that didn’t function on the same base. In the beginning of time, different peoples …show more content…

This was because different calendars such as the Babylonians calendar which consisted of a 354 day year, was longer than the Mayans calendar which consisted of a 365 day year. Even though everyone was on the same planet at different times, it didn't change that we were all living according to the same calendar, we just didn't know it. “They left celestial-cycle records indicating their belief that the creation of the world occurred in 3114 B.C,”(Ancient Calendars). This excerpt from the source Ancient Calendars gives us an example of how different peoples had different ideologies. Yes, they may have lived in separate parts of the world at the time, but we all come from the same ancestors. We all came about the Earth at the same time. The human race started off at the same time and although we may have different opinions as to when the Earth was created, we don’t have the technology to know when everything came to be. The peoples at the time were taking an approximation, not having full knowledge, of when humans were …show more content…

“In recent years, popular culture has latched onto theories that the Maya predicted an apocalypse on December 21, 2012,”(Oldest Known Mayan Calendar). Scientists and archaeologists had been arguing over whether the Mayans were correct about the end of the world.This came to be because the Mayan calendar came to an end on December 12, 2012, of course causing people to spread the rumor around that the world was soon going to end. The Gregorian calendar today has no end. It continues to go on forever and doesn’t say when the world is going to end because we truly don’t know when the world will end. The technology and ideas that were used back then weren’t as accurate as the technology of today that shows that the world will not come to end for whoever knows how long. Equally, the Gregorian calendar isn’t perfect either. All calendars used before had their problems and even the calendar we use today. Although it isn’t saying when the world will end, it still has a few

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