The Hardships Of Odysseus In Homer's The Odyssey

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Rough times are something that everyone goes through but Homer’s Odysseus went through a bit too many. Odysseus is a hero who fought in the Trojan war and has been away from home for many decades. He gets his men killed, people hate him, the gods hate him. These circumstances are very stressful because all Odysseus wants is to go home. In Homer’s The Odyssey, Odysseus goes through many hardships on his journey back home. Odysseus winds up on an island full of cyclops. “ With that I boarded the ship and told the crew to embark at once.” His men and he went into one of the cyclops’ house which was a cave and the cyclops proceeded to eat some of his men (9.200-210). When Odysseus and his men get to the island they just wanted a place to stay