The Hidden History Of The Jfk Assassination Sparknotes

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The author of The Hidden History of the JFK Assassination is Lamar Waldro. Lamar Waldron attended Georgia State University and has two degrees, a Masters in Counseling and Psychology. He is most known for his book series called Legacy of Secrecy along with other books he has written. Lamar Waldron was born in 1954 and is now 69 years old and still working on his writings today. The Hidden History of the JFK Assassination discusses all about the assassination of JFK and how Carlos Marcello executed his plan. Using information that had been published to the public during the time following the assassination. The Hidden History of the JFK Assassination was published by Publishers Group West. The Hidden History of the JFK Assassination is a book …show more content…

As to what that purpose is, it is to inform the reader more as to what happened JFK that day along with persuading the reader to believe that Castro and the CIA were in on the president’s death. In the book Lamar Waldron tries to make clear all of his connections that he states throughout the book. For example providing a plentiful amount of evidence for each statement he made. However while he does show plentiful evidence for statements he believes in he also does so for statements he disagrees with. For example the single bullet theory, he gives a full summary as to what it is and how it could be correct, but then shows the evidence for what he believes. Overall from my personal perspective on the book I found it quite convincing. The book had made me more intrigued in the assassination of JFK even though at times I felt a bit exhausted from trying to process what all the book was stating. While the author has his own personal belief he provides honest and factual information about the case. All of the points and evidence he provided made a exceptional argument for either side but his point made the most sense. The book is also well organized for example how each chapter specifically looks at a specific topic which ultimately keeps things organized. However the only problem I really have with the book is the slow pace and repetitiveness that often takes