The Hobbit

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I had two activities planned for my 24 hours: writing a program for solving the knight’s tour problem (a chess puzzle), and rereading The Hobbit. There were a couple of different algorithms for solving the knight’s tour problem that I was very curious to implement and benchmark against one another. The no media rule did not have a huge impact on the half of the day that I spent coding. I was curious enough about the knight’s tour problem that I would have spent half my Saturday coding regardless of whether or not this assignment existed. I wrote my code in a text editor without looking anything up online, so the fact that I was on my computer for a few hours did not violate the no media rule. That being said, I was only able to avoid using …show more content…

I probably would have instead spent that time playing video games and browsing Reddit. While reading The Hobbit, I never felt the urge to put it down and start consuming media on my computer. This didn’t surprise me. I picked the hobbit because I knew it was a fast passed, light read which could hold my attention for several hours at a time. Keeping my phone turned off for a day was surprisingly difficult. I figured that I would have an easy time keeping it off due to the fact that I’m not the sort of person who constantly checks his phone. However, during the latter half of the day I found myself worrying that some of the messages I was undoubtedly receiving might actually be important. Going 24 hours without media made me aware of how habitual and automatic my media consumption habits are. For example, when I got up to start cooking myself dinner, I automatically started to grab my phone and headphones. I was aware of the fact that I typically listen to music while I cook, but wasn’t aware of just how much of a habit it is. Similarly, after grabbing a bagel out of the kitchen for breakfast, I automatically started carrying it back to my room so that I could eat it in front of my computer. I was unaware of the fact that eating a bagel while watching YouTube videos was a part of my habitual morning