The Horse Boy Film Analysis

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The documentary, The Horse Boy, followed Rowan's journey through Mongolia to seek unorthodox treatments for autism. His parents tried various Western practices in hope of finding something that would lessen Rowan’s severe tantrums. The only thing that completely calmed him was riding horses. His parents were shocked when they watched his first interaction with a horse; he immediately calmed down, stopped crying and began speaking. While researching, Rupert found out that horseback riding originated in Mongolia. Shamanism is the state religion; he mentioned watching people be cured of illnesses through shamanic healing during his work with the bushman tribe. Rupert developed a dream of riding horseback from shaman to shaman with his son by his side. As the trip became a reality, it was far from what he had hoped for. Rowan refused to ride the horse and his tantrums were worse than ever. As the trip progressed, Rowan initiated playtime …show more content…

This journey showcases the vast differences within the world of autism from non-verbal to Asperger's syndrome. The differences do not stop with how far one is on the spectrum, but continue with the beliefs about autism. The film interviews parents and people with autism asking to give their story and experiences. Many mentioned autism being the cause of vaccines while others blamed genetics. Some look at autism as an asset while others view it as a hindrance. The truth of the matter is that there isn’t just one answer to any of the questions autism may raise. Despite the differences, the film shows us that not having one answer is okay; autism is not a black and white subject. Every family interviewed completely changed their lives whether it was moving countries or doing more research to accommodate their child. They all agreed that although these changes were difficult, their children are worth

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