The Human Use Of Human Beings By Norbert Wiener

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The Computer ethics concept was made in 1950 when Norbert Wiener, published a book called The Human Use of Human Beings which laid out the basic foundations of computer ethics. In 1966 Joseph Weizenbaum published a program that performed language processing. The program would apply pattern matching pattern rules to human statements to figure out its reply. During the same year the world's first computer crime was committed. A programmer was able to use a computer code to stop his banking account from being flagged. Around that time, there were no laws to stop him. Because of this an ethics code for computers was needed. In the 1960s Donn Parker led to the development of the first code of ethics in the field of computer technology. In 1970, Walter Maner noticed that ethical decisions are much harder to make when computers are added. …show more content…

During the same year, the ACM decided to adopt a professional code of ethics. By the middle of the 1970s new privacy and computer crime laws was created in the United States and Europe. In 1976 Joseph Weizenbaum made his second major addition to the field of computer ethics. He published a book titled "Computer power and Human reason" which talked about how artificial intelligence is good for the world. The best point he makes in the book is the difference between choosing and deciding. He said that deciding is a computational activity while making choices is not therefore the ability to make choices is what makes us humans.

At a later time during the same year Abbe Mowshowitz, published an article called "On approaches to the study of social issues in computing". This article identified and analyzed technical and non-technical opinions in research on social issues present in