
The Hunt Research Paper

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The Hunt
I’ve been hunting for 3 years now and I have never got a deer before. I have been close but never actually killed one. Every season I think to myself, “this is the season that I get my very first deer” but every time I come home emptied handed, I started to stop thinking that. I get really discouraged a lot my dad tells me. I know I do but I can’t help it. After awhile I just started to enjoy being out in the woods with my dad.
This year was the first year I ever went archery hunting. I like the crossbow way more than I like the Winchester 30-30. My dad and I set up a tent right inside the wood line. We hunt on my dad’s, friend’s family property. Not many people hunt on it because the people who own it are kind of strict on who can …show more content…

I woke up an hour later when my dad froze. There was a doe broadside to us, eating. She had no clue we were there. I grabbed the crossbow very slowly and aimed. I took a deep breath and was about to pull the trigger when of all a sudden the doe shot its head up and trotted off into some brush. I set down the bow and eventually fell asleep. I started to wake up when my dad was sitting there laughing to himself. I asked what was so funny and I pointed to his mouth. He wanted me to be quiet. He then pointed to the chipmunk running around right in front of us. He got so close I could have petted him. There’s this tree about 3 feet away from the tent. The little guy decided to climb it. He started to scare me because he kept looking right at us. He got right at where our heads were and started to wiggle his butt. No joke he kept doing that. He started to make these awful noises when they kept getting louder and louder and louder and soon in starting to freak out. The chipmunk was looking at us for 5 minutes straight making these weird noises. My dad tried to scare him off but nothing was working. Why wasn’t he leaving? Why was he making those noises? I peered out the tent window and tried to scare him myself but still, nothing. I just made him get even louder and louder. The chipmunk, which my dad and I eventually called Steve, just sat there. I started to loose interest and thought that maybe the chipmunk was stupid or

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