The Impact Of The Internet On Advertising

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Introduction The Internet’s impact on advertising has had a far-reaching impact on the way business and personal communication is done. As with most industries, marketing and advertising internal processes have become more effective and efficient by moving online and, thus, can cut costs and save time. However, the Internet has transformed advertising unique ways too. The future of marketing and advertising will always be tied to changes within the media, and the Internet is one more medium to be mastered. Thus, on top of the pressure to streamline processes, marketers and advertisers are faced with the exciting challenge of how to most effectively use a new medium for communication.
The Internet as a New Research Tool Businesses want to be the center of consumer attention at "The Moment" – that point in time when consumers are most likely to purchase. The Internet has come up new ways to do this, by allowing businesses to communicate with existing customers and to identify and persuade prospective customers. Marketers and advertisers are jumping at this chance. In 2000, Internet advertising spending in the United States increased 52.6 percent over 1999. Incredibly, some predict that Internet advertising spending will surpass advertising spending in consumer magazines, and on cable, satellite, and network television by 2004 (Seymour, 2013). E-mail marketing, banner advertising, Website sponsorships, affiliate program marketing, online community building, and viral