
The Importance Of Civilization In The World

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War and conquest have been a part of human nature since humans first stepped foot on the Earth. As time passed and technology thrived, specific regions started to emerge as the obvious world powers and would expand around the globe. Jared Diamond’s main argument theorizes that the development of these powerful nations had nothing to do with pure ingenuity or superior intelligence, but in fact, relied on their geography and its influences, such as agriculture, cattle, technology, and disease resistance, shown by the European conquest of several regions around the world since the Age of Exploration. To begin, Diamond argues that geographic location has a significant role to play in the overall success and productivity of a nation. It seems to be no mere coincidence that the conquering Europeans lie directly on the same latitudinal line of the regions that maintained some of the most prosperous civilizations of mankind. Ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt, along with the Fertile Crescent, all share the same latitudinal coordinates and therefore, a similar climate. On the other hand, the people of Papua New Guinea shared no civilized neighbors and are mostly isolated on their island until the introduction of travelling Europeans. The Incas of Peru however, do share a group of civilized neighbors. The Aztecs and Mayans both live in Central and South America but to the north. The Incans may share a longitudinal line with these nations, but the latitudinal coordinate and climate is
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